As cyber criminals are vandalising websites more and more frequently the chances are higher that your website could become a victim of being hacked., you could be losing traffic, customers and reputation with the search engines. Unfortunately, spam, hacking and malware are increasingly used to try and deceive the search engines and can be very tricky to detect. Get in touch with one of our recovery specialists today to find out if you’ve been the victim of this kind of hijacking, get a detailed report on how much damage has been done, and receive an actionable, cost-effective plan to secure your site and get your traffic back.
Hacked websites will be cause issues with customers and the reputation with search engines such as Google. When a website is hacked it is vital to act quickly and fix the issue. If a cyber criminal manages to change content and use the power and trust of the website they will also often start to use black hat SEO methods to quickly achieve growth for specific keyword areas of interest.
This will cause issues going forward and your website might not ever rank again.