Your Business is your BRAND
A company logo is used to represent a companies brand and promote corporate identity for immediate customer recognition. It is often the flagship of the company and a visual representation of the company name and values. A brand is defined by its logo, shown by the fact that there are so many games and quizzes available now which focus on identifying brands by simply being shown a part of their logo.
Promoting Your Brand Using SEO
SEO companies provide business seo as a method of promotion and having a branding image that stands out is important. There are various methods that can be used with Branding SEO. Promotion of brand starts from the logo so it is important to have the perfect logo.
Redesigning company branding and logos is essential to keep fresh, but keeping the initial brand identity in mind is part of this process. For example look at how Pepsi Cola have taken their branding forward:-
The great thing about what Pepsi Cola have managed to achieve is keeping the red colour of the initial logo whilst moving it forwards to meet modern design standards. This means that their identity is kept and continuity maintained. The fact that in their latest logo Pepsi have omitted any wording, opting for including the coloured logo alone, shows how strong their brand identity is with this colour scheme and circular motif.
Colour is one of the main components of brand identity as it helps create brand awareness and recognition and can promote your brand values. Part of branding SEO is the pursuit of spreading awareness of your brand throughout the Internet and beyond; having an easily identifiable colour scheme can make this process easier and more successful.