Entries by chameleon

Penguin 2.0 Rolled Out May 22 2013

Matt Cutts has confirmed that Google rolled out their latest algorithm change dubbed Penguin 2.0 on May 22nd 2013. This change capitalises and goes further than the Penguin 1.0 change rolled out in 2012. The aim of this update is to prevent spam sites ranking, whilst putting emphasis on quality content and excellent user experience […]

Woolwich Attack

Streets cordoned off in East London after a serious incident in Woolwich 22/05/2013. The BBC’s latest information from an eyewitness who wishes to remain anonymous:- “I was walking my dog and heard some shouting about 50 yards from me. A man was running down the road and being chased by a car. The car then […]

Google Penguin 2.0 Update

We have been informed that another version of Google’s Penguin update is coming in the next week or so, the date is to be confirmed. As more information becomes available and more official webmasters and SEOs will either be in a state of panic again or simply wondering how this will effect the rankings of […]


The letter M has shocked us today. In our online research we come across many things that are interesting and strange due to the fact the internet is full of weird and wonderful things. Today we found the single letter “M” get searched 301,000 per month with about 20,210,000,000 results in Google making this letter […]

SEO Package Prices

The price of SEO services varies greatly between different companies and depends heavily on the sector in which your website is a part of in terms of competition and the amount of keywords you wish to rank for. Ultimately, it all comes down to time; the more time that an SEO company needs to spend […]