Entries by chameleon

What Is SEO ?

In the dictionary SEO which is short for search engine optimization or search engine optimisation suggests “the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.” What Is SEO – Answered SEO is making changes to […]

English Google Webmaster Central office-hours hangout 6 March 2018

English Google Webmaster Central office-hours hangout Streamed live on 6th March 2018 Otto Rommel This is to settle an argument with a developer. Is it considered cloaking that would incur a penalty if link HREF values are blocked by disallowing access to a JavaScript file. Example: blocking the HREF value to a link in a […]

Concours Vehicles

Our Director has been car mad since birth and his circle of friends and his own personal classic cars has resulted in the need for storage. As a result of this Concours Vehicles has been set up and will provide vehicle storage solutions for people that need their special cars stored safe and sound. Visit: https://www.concoursvehicles.co.uk/ […]

OneDrive De-Activation Request Scam Email

We have a client in a panic today and helped quickly but thought we should help others with awareness. DE-ACTIVATION in progress important auto-mail-update in the secured data-files: Attention name@yourname.co.uk Your valid mail account has been listed for Closure. Reason: E-mail Authentication Required Authenticate below to Stay active within 5 hours. DO NOT CLICK THE […]