Entries by chameleon

website-stealer-warning-alert.hdmoviecams.com referral

If you have been looking over your Google Analytics account and found “Block website-stealer-warning-alert.hdmoviecams.com referral spam” as a referral you will more than likely be concerned and visit the URL. This is exactly what was planned by the website-stealer-warning-alert.hdmoviecams.com referral spam, the reality is that no one was actually referred to your website from this […]

Funny Review

We all as business owners we all want to attract positive reviews for our products and services. Reviews are boring and getting clients to leave them is very difficult and they can either be great or a few simple words. We found the funniest review ever and this we thought we would should share! The […]

WordPress Admin Not Working – Error 500

If you find after updating a WordPress version the website functions but you can no longer login to the admin area there is more than likely an issue with a plugin or the theme. The quickest solution is edit the database options table. Locate table wp_options Find the active_plugins row Change the option_value field to: […]