Entries by chameleon

Mobile Phone Signal Strength Chart

Understanding what your mobile phone is telling you when you look at the signal strength status is important if you are having specific connection issues. Symbol G on mobile phone signal status The G symbol means GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) and this allows for voice calls and an Internet Speed of up to 50 kb/s. This will work […]

Blocking YouTube For Parental Control

We have an interesting enquiry, for parental control reasons we asked how to block YouTube. The basics had been done and this was blocking youtube.com at the router level and on a PC this was working. However, the YouTube APP was still working on mobile devices and tablets so we were asked to help. We […]

Google reCAPTCHA Badge Always Showing – Hide It

When you enable the new Google reCATPTCHA V3 it will display by default “protected by reCAPTCHA” on your website at all times and this badge will be visible in the bottom right corner of the screen. When your mouse goes over the badge the larger badge will appear as a pop out. This doesn’t look […]