Entries by chameleon

Are all comments with links spam?

Google’s Webmaster Guidelines discourage forum signature links but what about links from comments? Is link building by commenting against Google Webmaster Guidelines? What if it’s a topically relevant site and the comment is meaningful? Chase, A, Denver, CO

Birmingham SEO Competitor Analysis

Being an SEO company you have to be able to achieve rankings results for your clients and a measure of the company is their own website. Clients can come and go and you will never truly understand or know what has happened. Being a client often means you have no real information in order to […]

Google+ Song Video Goes Viral

It is safe to say that not all YouTube users are happy with the changes that Google has made to YouTube after their take-over of the video giant. One of their biggest issues with the new setup is the requirement to sign in using a Google+ account in order to comment on other users’ videos. […]

Google Checkout

Google have announced that as of November 20th, Google Checkout will no longer be supported and therefore will in effect be closed down. Instead, they are looking to increase, improve and expand their Google Wallet services. It was initially launched in 2006 around the same time that competitors such as PayPal were being launched, but […]