Google algorithm changes for 2013

Chameleon web services have been working hard to find out what Google are doing next in the Google algorithm changes for 2013. We have teamed up with Emmett Brown better known as Doc Brown to use his time machine to see what it is Google are planning.

Back To The Future - Understanding What Google Will Do Next In The Algorithm Changes

There has been Back to the Future, Back to the Future Part II, Back to the Future Part III and now Back From The Future with Chameleon.


Back to the future Delorean Google Trip

What does Google think of single-page websites?

What does Google think of single-page websites?

What does Google think of single-page websites? They are becoming more complex and there are some great websites using only a single page (+lots of CSS and JavaScript) bringing the same user experience as a regular website with many subpages.
Frederik, Munich, Germany

PageSpeed Service from Google

Introducing PageSpeed Service from Google

GooglePageSpeed Service enables site owners to speed up how quickly pages load for their users.

To test your website to see how your website performance is currently:-

For more information about the Google service:-

Google Warns Against Advertorials

In February 2013 Google penalised Interflora and various UK News Papers for using advertorials as a link selling process.

Google clearly stated in 2007 that paid links would lead to a penalty and this latest action shows that in 2013 the penalty still stands.

Matt Cutts said:- Please be wary if someone approaches you and wants to pay you for links or “advertorial” pages on your site that pass PageRank. Selling links (or entire advertorial pages with embedded links) that pass PageRank violates our quality guidelines, and Google does take action on such violations. The consequences for a linkselling site start with losing trust in Google’s search results, as well as reduction of the site’s visible PageRank in the Google Toolbar. The consequences can also include lower rankings for that site in Google’s search results.

Essential SEO

We get asked frequnetly if SEO is important and our reply is that “SEO is essential” if you have an online business.

Search engine optimisation carried out correctly will give Google the opporunity to find the information they need in way that makes Google like your website more than a competitor.

A good way to understand how essential SEO is to your online business you can watch this video by Matt Cutts. In this video Matt explains how Google ranks a website using a unique evaluation process. The crawling that Google does and the analysis of a website is the starting point and how crawling is carried out over a long period of time.

This video helps explain the Google dance and also explain how Google crawls and updates more and more data today than they did before.

The frequencies and priorities of crawls and indexing is a very important part of the Google search and the filtering processes within the Google indexed databases.

How does Google Search work?

Essential SEO

An expert SEO company will help Google find all the data that is required to help you get your website into Google search results for the keywords that you want to be found under. This is an essential part of your online business and SEO works to improve the rankings simply by helping Google find the details it needs.

What about Negative SEO