False Widow Spiders Interview on BBC WM

Listen to the interview live on BBC Radio WM with Danny Kelly on the 14/10/2013 at 3pm.

False widow spider Radio WM

You never know what will happen next, but it’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

8 False Widow Spiders Found in Birmingham

After seeing on the news and reading all the hype about Britain’s most poisonous spider the False Widow the Director of Chameleon Web Services finds 8 after his eldest son Jack thinks he found one.

False widow spiders | Natural History Museum

False Widow Spiders were recorded in Britain around the 1870s when were accidentally shipped to the UK from the Canary Islands. They are more common to appear in UK in areas of Devon and Cornwall.

This latest find of 8 False Widow Spiders was much further north in Bartley Green, Birmingham. The spiders have all been carefully captured to be identified.

Small False Widow Spider

False Widow Spider

False Widow Spider

False Widow Spider

These False Widow Spider were found in webs on a conservatory in Bartley Green Birmingham.

False Widow Spider in Spider Web

If you need a bug or fossil identified use NaturePlus. To see the Museum’s news

Original news story from 2007

Eye Surgery using a Tooth

This is one of the most amazing things we have watched and this morning we are all talking about this in the office so we thought we would share this.

How a tooth becomes an eye - The Day I Got My Sight Back: Preview - BBC One

Eye Surgery using a Tooth

Advertising – Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise

One of the best ways to advertise is to do something people will talk about and share.

Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise

A cafe in New York City is the setting for an experiment to shock and capture the an angry young woman using “telekinetic powers” to lift a man off the ground and to use what appears to be supernatural skills and everything is filmed with hidden cameras.

Why has this been done?

To get exposure ready for the release of a new film. The film Carrie “You will Know Her Name” being release 18/10/2013.

Carrie You Will Know Her Name

Carrie In Theaters October 18 2013

The Official Trailer

Carrie - Official Trailer #2 - In Theaters 10/18


Pepsi Max & Dynamo Bus Levitation

Dynamo and Pepsi Max

Advertising can take companies to great lengths and Pepsi Max have created a huge amount of interest using Dynamo in London Levitating alongside a bus.

Other Pepsi Max video’s that you might not have seen:-

Pepsi Max Asteroid