Internet Marketing
Internet marketing is a very broad term as it encompasses everything from email marketing, to SEO, to content marketing and display advertising. Companies often use a mixture of direct web marketing such as targeted emails, or general advertising such as banner ads or display advertising.
There are three main strands of Internet marketing; web marketing, email marketing and social media marketing. Web marketing encompasses strategies such as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), affiliate marketing and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. Email marketing is reasonably self-explanatory, meaning that emails advertising products and offering services are sent directly to potential clients. Social media marketing makes use of the social media arena by using websites such as Facebook and Twitter to advertise products and contact potential customers. The growth of subscriptions to pages and ‘likes’ has led to targeted social media marketing making to most of knowing their potential customers’ preferences.
Most Internet marketing campaigns make use of a range of techniques and strategies to improve their online success and client-base. SEO is one of the most common and most successful Internet marketing strategies as it aims to get websites in to the first page of search results for their chosen keywords, making the site not only visible but also appear reliable and relevant for what the user requires. SEO also encompasses much of the other forms of Internet marketing in its strategies, therefore capitalises on differing marketing sectors.