If you are having a problem with the Magento admin area showing a 404 error then this maybe due to many things.
If you have moved the site to a new server then this is normal as Magento requires you to delete the session temporary files and run a query on the database.
Using an FTP client go the folder location /var/
Now remove the content of the following:-
Confirm you have the database configuration correctly setup which is located at /app/etc/
Here you have config.xml and local.xml
Now open the database using a Database client.
- Go to your database
- Select the main table over area
- Run the following SQL Query:
UPDATE `core_store` SET store_id = 0 WHERE code='admin';
UPDATE `core_store_group` SET group_id = 0 WHERE name='Default';
UPDATE `core_website` SET website_id = 0 WHERE code='admin';
UPDATE `customer_group` SET customer_group_id = 0 WHERE customer_group_code='NOT LOGGED IN';
You should get the result:-
UPDATE `customer_group` SET customer_group_id = 0 WHERE customer_group_code=’NOT LOGGED IN’;
Affected rows: 1
Time: 0.036ms
Affected rows: 0
Time: 0.033ms
Now try going to your admin area.
If you are still having issues then try www.domainname.co.uk/index.php/admin