SSL Certificates are data files that digitally entwine a cryptographic key to your organisation’s details, ensuring secure connections from a web server to a browser. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) can also be known as TLS (Transport Layer Security). The certificate itself is an electronic document that proves the owner has obtained the cryptographic key.
On the certificate is information regarding the subject (owner)and the digital signature of the certificate issuer (provider). The certificate issuer is a Certificate Authority company, which is a company that charges clients for the issue of the certificate. It is essential that you use a trusted Certificate Authority.
Once installed you will need to amend the URL of your website from HTTP to HTTPS (S for ‘secure’) and a green security padlock will also be present.
It is strongly advised to have an SSL in place for SEO purposes and for visitors to your website as it protects all sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card information etc as well as increasing your Google rankings. Trust from your customers will be enhanced and conversion rates will be improved.
Google has announced that if an SSL Certificate is not in place on a website by July 2018, then they will be alerting web surfers of this fact and highlighting that the site is not secure. Your site could be flagged up and display a warning message from Google as ‘Not Secure’, for all your visitors to see. The main reason for Google’s strong backing of this change is quite simple, the more websites that have this extra security, the safer all websites will be.
This is a service that we can provide you with and can obtain and install your certificate for the cost of £65 + VAT on a yearly basis.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, here at Chameleon Web Services, should you wish us to provide you with this service.
Domain SSL
DomainSSL offers you an economical and quick and easy to implement option for securing your website, without having to sacrifice any of the value-add features, making GlobalSign SSL Certificates unique.
DomainSSL is domain validated and fully automated, which means you’ll be able to start protecting your e-commerce, logins, webmail, blog visitors and more in just a few minutes. It activates the browser padlock and https and assures your website visitors and customers that you take their privacy seriously.
Organization SSL
High assurance OrganizationSSL Certificates provide instant identity confirmation and strong SSL protection for your website and business. OrganizationSSL is an organization validated certificate that gives your website a step up in credibility over domain validated SSL Certificates. It activates the browser padlock and https, shows your corporate identity, and assures your customers that you take security very seriously. Site visitors can verify that the website is operated by a legitimate company and is not an imposter site.
Extended SSL
ExtendedSSL is an Extended Validation Certificate, the highest class of SSL available today and lends more credibility to your website compared to using an organization or domain validated SSL Certificate.
ExtendedSSL activates the green address bar and displays your organization name in the browser interface.
These prominent security indicators can help increase user trust in your website and its credibility, leading to more sales conversions.
Wildcard SSL
Wildcard SSL allows you to secure an unlimited number of subdomains on a single certificate. It’s a great solution for anyone who hosts or manages multiple sites or pages that exist on the same domain. The one-time cost of the certificate covers you for additional subdomains you may add in the future.
Unlike a standard SSL Certificate that is issued to a single Fully Qualified Domain Name only, e.g., which means it can only be used to secure the exact domain to which it has been issued, a Wildcard SSL Certificate is issued to *, where the asterisk represents all possible subdomains.
GlobalSign Wildcard SSL is an option available for DomainSSL and OrganizationSSL Certificates.
Multi-Domain also referred commonly as SAN Certificates, utilize Subject Alternative Names (SANs) to secure up to 100 different domain names, subdomains, and public IP addresses, using only one SSL Certificate and requiring only one IP to host the Certificate.
We worked with Microsoft to develop a SSL Certificate specifically for use within the Exchange and Communications Server environments. A SAN SSL Certificate allows you to deploy the Domain Security feature and enable secure client access from the Internet
While Multi-Domain SSL was originally developed for Unified Communications applications, it can benefit anyone looking for the simplicity of consolidating many domain names into a single SSL Certificate and single IP address.